In fall the leaves are scorched by the sun, eaten by the insects and thorn by the wind. Their days are counted.

Slowly the green pigments are overthrown by the red (anthocyans), orange (carotenoids) and yellow (xanthophyll) pigments. The tree is pumping its sugars and nutrients from the leaves using the osmosis mechanism. The anthocyans bring frost protection and enlighten our nordic species.

In the coming days the tree will store the sugars in the soil and the starches in the living wood. Cellular death will reach the heart of the leaves and the stalk will soon be completely obstructed by a cork tissue. From this point the leaves will fall, leaving a separation mark on the branch. The leaves are sacrified for the promess of a new season.


feuille automne

feuille automne

Acer rubrum

feuille automne

feuille automne

Ginkgo biloba

feuille automne

Fagus grandifolia

feuille automne

feuille automne

Parthenocissus quinquefolia

feuille automne