I took five air-layers on an European hornbeam planted on the street in front of my house and only one succeeded.

June 19, 2022

First I remove the bark and cambium.

hornbeam layer

A plastic bag is attached to the branch.

hornbeam layer

Rooting hormones are applied around the edge where I expect roots to grow.

hornbeam layer

I fill the bag with moist sphagnum moss.

hornbeam layer

The bag is completely closed and I pierce drainage holes in the top and bottom.

hornbeam layer

Here is the donor tree:

hornbeam layer

October 3, 2022

One air-layer produced roots. I gently clean the roots in a bucket of water to remove most of the sphagnum moss using a stick. Finally I planted the layer in 100 % akadama with mycorrhiza.

hornbeam layer

hornbeam layer

hornbeam layer

hornbeam layer

hornbeam layer

20 % success rate

4 air-layers out of 5 failed and did not produce roots. The cambium layer repaired itself and a new bark bridge connects the branch to the trunk. It seems I did not remove enough wood in the first place.

hornbeam layer