I started those Ginkgo biloba seedlings about 4 years ago. After only two years the pot is root-bound and I had to repot.

Ginkgo 1

ginkgo semis rempotage

ginkgo semis rempotage

ginkgo semis rempotage

ginkgo semis rempotage

ginkgo semis rempotage

ginkgo semis rempotage

Ginkgo 2

ginkgo semis rempotage

Ginkgo 3

ginkgo semis rempotage

ginkgo semis rempotage

Ginkgo 4

ginkgo semis rempotage

Ginkgo 5

ginkgo semis rempotage

Ginkgo 6

ginkgo semis rempotage

Ginkgo 7

ginkgo semis rempotage