32 degrees

Today is May 31, 2023 and the temperature reached 32 C in Montreal and the forecast for tomorrow is 34 C. May was in my memories the month of the buds opening and the return of the migratory birds. Now the trees are already enduring a heat wave while the leaves have not hardened yet. The beech has burn marks on some leaves and I installed the 50% sun screen in a hurry. ...

May 31, 2023 · Philippe

Group plantings

Forests and group plantings move me more and more. Multiple trees grouped together in a small pot speak of a common destiny. Their roots and mycorrhizae fuse together and inspire cooperation and dependance. Their slender trunks with sparse branching evoque the simplicity and fagility of life. ...

November 9, 2022 · Philippe

96 %

When cutting wood pieces for a window sill project, I could not help but wonder the genius of plants. Dryed wood is composed at 96 % of only three elements: carbon (45 %), oxygen (45%) and hydrogen (6%). Trees harvest those atoms from the CO2 in the air and the H2O pumped by the roots. ...

August 8, 2022 · Philippe

Youth and wisdom

Bonsai is typically defined as a compact and tortured tree with a heavy trunk. However I was always drawn to pictures showing slender and small trunks bearing flowers. As if youth and wisdom had encountered for a short time lapse. I finally succeeded to create this image using root cuttings from an older crabapple tree. Most fruiting trees will only flower after 10 to 15 years from seed. ...

May 24, 2022 · Philippe