Triple trunk Japanese Maple repotting

Repotting of a triple trunk Japanese Maple. The new pot is smaller and more subtil, focusing our attention towards the tree. ...

March 14, 2022 · Philippe

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' repotting

We barely encounter Acer palmatum dissectum trained as bonsai. They have a bad reputation because they do not respond well to partial defoliation because of their finely dissected leaves. This translates into longer development time than regular Acer palmatum. Notwithstanding that it will take me twice the time to achieve my goals, I persist with this Japanese maple of the ‘Tamukeyama’ variety purchased in 2014 in a renovation center. I am really excited by this nebari after the third root work iteration. ...

March 13, 2022 · Philippe

Repotting a collected Hawthorn

This massive Hawthorn was collected 5 years ago and after two root works the nebari is taking shape. ...

March 12, 2022 · Philippe

Paper Birch clumps

Those young White Birch (or Paper Birch, Betula papyrifera) clumps were repotted in ceramics. They are three years old and were started from seeds. ...

March 7, 2022 · Philippe

Korean Hornbeam repot

This small Korean Hornbeam has a long way to go. This repot enables me to improve its base by removing some roots that emerge too high on the trunk and healing some wounds. ...

March 7, 2022 · Philippe

Hawthorn repotting

Repotting after two years and light wiring of this small Hawthorn. ...

March 6, 2022 · Philippe

Virginia creeper from spring to fall

Here are pictures of a large Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) over the last year. The plant was collected on a construction site and saved from an ineluctable death. ...

October 23, 2021 · Philippe

Eastern white cedar repotting

This thuya was created during a workshop offered by the Montreal Bonsai and Penjing Society. Since this tree was ready for a repot, I changed its planting angle and experimented with a stone instead of a traditional pot. Before cleanup in the garage (May 2, 2021) New front and planting angle, before wiring Root mass cleanup and reduction Planted in the new pot A few weeks later (May 26, 2021)...

May 2, 2021 · Philippe

Red maple repot

This Red Maple (Acer rubrum) was collected at the edge of a field in spring 2019. Two years later the pot is filled with roots and I can start developping the nebari. Red maple in spring 2021 Compact root ball after 2 years I removed any root growing towards the center, the bottom or crossing other roots. A large section is cut under the trunk to flatten the root mass and promote a radial distribution....

April 24, 2021 · Philippe

Repotting a Buckthorn bunjin

This Buckthorn was cultivated 4 years in wooden boxes since its collection. The time has come to reduce the root mass to its final size. This a major step towards domesticating this tree normally considered an invading species in Eastern-Canada. I will further incline the trunk towards the left and front. Before reduction: After reduction: Close-up of the nebari: New planting angle: Sphagnum moss is used as top dressing:...

March 26, 2021 · Philippe