Ginkgo biloba group planting

This Ginkgo biloba group planting was created in 2021. Last spring I removed all terminal buds thinking that the axillary buds would grow lateral shoots. Instead, all trees remained static and only produced leaves swirls last year. Let’s see if this year they will finally grow lateral shoots. ...

March 11, 2023 · Philippe

American Beech

This small American Beech sapling was collected in a forest 4 years ago, in 2019. It is still mainly bidimensional and I will develop its back branching in the coming years. ...

March 11, 2023 · Philippe

Trident Maple forest

This young Trident Maple forest was created in spring 2020 from 2 years-old seedlings (link to the article from 2020). The trees are now 5 years old from seeds. ...

March 4, 2023 · Philippe

Trident Maple styling

Wiring and styling a medium Trident Maple. The moss was grown during the last growing season only. ...

March 3, 2023 · Philippe

15 years old Larch from seed

This Larch was grown by me from a seedling 15 years ago and it starts only to become a true bonsai. Last year it was put in a bonsai pot for the first time, slowing its growth rate and initiating its refinement phase. ...

February 27, 2023 · Philippe

12 years old Japanese Black Pine from seed

I sowed this Japanese Black Pine 12 years ago. After two years of growth it is ready for a styling. I removed most needles to balance the energy across all shoots. This will also let air and light reach the internal buds. Finally it is wired and I keep two sacrifice branches to thicken the trunk. ...

February 26, 2023 · Philippe

Ginkgo biloba group plantings from seeds

Ginkgo biloba group plantings started from seeds three years ago. This species takes time to ramify. ...

February 26, 2023 · Philippe

White Birch group plantings from seeds

White Birch group plantings started four years ago from seeds. ...

February 26, 2023 · Philippe

Fall 2022

Here are some pictures taken in October when the trees show their most interesting colors. I hope that those images will encourage you to grow bonsai! ...

February 3, 2023 · Philippe

Fall pruning and wiring on a triple-trunk Acer palmatum

Defoliation, pruning and wiring on a triple-trunk Acer palmatum. ...

November 18, 2022 · Philippe