American Beech

This small American Beech sapling was collected in a forest 4 years ago, in 2019. It is still mainly bidimensional and I will develop its back branching in the coming years. ...

March 11, 2023 · Philippe

Trident Maple forest

This young Trident Maple forest was created in spring 2020 from 2 years-old seedlings (link to the article from 2020). The trees are now 5 years old from seeds. ...

March 4, 2023 · Philippe

Trident Maple styling

Wiring and styling a medium Trident Maple. The moss was grown during the last growing season only. ...

March 3, 2023 · Philippe

15 years old Larch from seed

This Larch was grown by me from a seedling 15 years ago and it starts only to become a true bonsai. Last year it was put in a bonsai pot for the first time, slowing its growth rate and initiating its refinement phase. ...

February 27, 2023 · Philippe

12 years old Japanese Black Pine from seed

I sowed this Japanese Black Pine 12 years ago. After two years of growth it is ready for a styling. I removed most needles to balance the energy across all shoots. This will also let air and light reach the internal buds. Finally it is wired and I keep two sacrifice branches to thicken the trunk. ...

February 26, 2023 · Philippe

Ginkgo biloba group plantings from seeds

Ginkgo biloba group plantings started from seeds three years ago. This species takes time to ramify. ...

February 26, 2023 · Philippe

White Birch group plantings from seeds

White Birch group plantings started four years ago from seeds. ...

February 26, 2023 · Philippe

Fall 2022

Here are some pictures taken in October when the trees show their most interesting colors. I hope that those images will encourage you to grow bonsai! ...

February 3, 2023 · Philippe

Fall pruning and wiring on a triple-trunk Acer palmatum

Defoliation, pruning and wiring on a triple-trunk Acer palmatum. ...

November 18, 2022 · Philippe

Stage Jeker 2022 - Part 1

I had the opportunity to attend a two-days workshop with bonsai master François Jeker on November 4 and 6, organized by the Société de Bonsaï et de Penjing de Montréal. Here is the tree that I evolved under the supervision of Mr. Jeker, a collected larch that I had been growing since 2015. ...

November 12, 2022 · Philippe