2022 SBPM Bonsai exposition

My contribution to the 2022 edition of the SBPM - Société de Bonsaï et de Penjing de Montréal. ...

June 21, 2022 · Philippe

Lower bonsai bench

This is the second bench model and the third bench I built this summer. It has a very stable height to width ratio to withstand strong winds as my bonsai garden is located on the roof. ...

June 20, 2022 · Philippe

Spring work on a White spruce

I collected this Spruce in 2014 (to see older pictures of the tree). This spring I reduced the growth to two per junction and applied a small amount of wire. Some lower branches were removed. ...

May 30, 2022 · Philippe

Youth and wisdom

Bonsai is typically defined as a compact and tortured tree with a heavy trunk. However I was always drawn to pictures showing slender and small trunks bearing flowers. As if youth and wisdom had encountered for a short time lapse. I finally succeeded to create this image using root cuttings from an older crabapple tree. Most fruiting trees will only flower after 10 to 15 years from seed. ...

May 24, 2022 · Philippe

Crabapple blossom bouquet

Every spring I impatiently wait for the flowering of this crabapple. Mid-May it becomes a living bouquet. ...

May 24, 2022 · Philippe

Chaenomeles japonica flowers

Buds appear in tight clusters before they start to grow and look like boxing gloves. Only then begins the floral show. A constellation of starry flowers. ...

May 13, 2022 · Philippe

Acer shirasawanum flowers

Even though it resembles Acer palmatum with its palmate leaves, Acer shirasawanum is a distinct species that can be identified by its erect flowers. ...

May 10, 2022 · Philippe

First repot for a collected Eastern Hemlock

This Eastern Hemlock was collected in a forest and planted in a wooden box filled with perlite, without disturbing the roots. After three years the perlite has become a compact soil with poor drainage. It was time to reduce the rootball and transition into a training pot that is easier to handle. ...

May 10, 2022 · Philippe

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' flowers

The flower clusters of Acer palmatum dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ appear as if they were made of satin. The tree ignites itself in the morning sun. ...

May 6, 2022 · Philippe

Eastern Redbud seedlings repotting

Repotting Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) seedlings that are one year-old. I cut the tap root to develop radial roots. ...

April 26, 2022 · Philippe