32 degrees

Today is May 31, 2023 and the temperature reached 32 C in Montreal and the forecast for tomorrow is 34 C. May was in my memories the month of the buds opening and the return of the migratory birds. Now the trees are already enduring a heat wave while the leaves have not hardened yet. The beech has burn marks on some leaves and I installed the 50% sun screen in a hurry. ...

May 31, 2023 · Philippe

Simple bonsai benches

I finally decided to build bonsai benches for my rooftop garden. Before that the pots were simply laying on the roof or onto wooden pallets. Located under the sun shade it will be easier to care for my trees. ...

April 26, 2022 · Philippe

Functional bonsai bench

Our family is growing and we needed more space to store trees in the garage which is also my cold greenhouse. ...

January 10, 2022 · Philippe