A small Red Maple

This small Red Maple was trained from a small seedling collected in the forest. It will become a beautiful little bunjin. ...

June 1, 2023 · Philippe

Cleaning and wiring a small Hawthorne

I had the very bad surprise to discover a colony of mealy bugs hidden underneath the bark. The small insects found a nice spot to overwinter. I start by removing them before wiring the tree. ...

May 3, 2023 · Philippe

Korean Hornbeam shohin

This small Korean Hornbeam was purchased in 2021 from a local master, and it was created from seed. I shortened the head and wired all shoots to create a more ascending canopy. ...

March 12, 2023 · Philippe

Dwarf pomegranate from seed

This small pomegranate of a dwarf variety (Punica granatum ’nana’) is now 5 or 6 years old. Matthiew Quinn gave me 5 seeds and only one germinated. ...

March 12, 2023 · Philippe

15 years old Larch from seed

This Larch was grown by me from a seedling 15 years ago and it starts only to become a true bonsai. Last year it was put in a bonsai pot for the first time, slowing its growth rate and initiating its refinement phase. ...

February 27, 2023 · Philippe

A Larch from seedling to shohin after 12 years

This small Larch was purchased as a seedling from Yves Létourneau in 2010.It was always cultivated in containers. 12 years later it becomes a shohin with its first ceramics. Year after year changes are incremental, almost noticeable. Another layer of cambium becomes xylem, another branch bifurcation increases entropy. Fissures appear on the bark. 12 years to build a tree. This is only the beginning of its journey. ...

April 23, 2022 · Philippe

Korean Hornbeam repot

This small Korean Hornbeam has a long way to go. This repot enables me to improve its base by removing some roots that emerge too high on the trunk and healing some wounds. ...

March 7, 2022 · Philippe

Hawthorn repotting

Repotting after two years and light wiring of this small Hawthorn. ...

March 6, 2022 · Philippe

Hawthorn in fall

This small Hawthorn illuminates my autumns with its scarlet red leaves. ...

October 20, 2021 · Philippe

A small Acer palmatum

A young Japanese maple waking up with a delicate and colorful foliage. The lowest branch was grafted earlier this spring. A young Acer palmatum ...

April 28, 2021 · Philippe