Approach grafting on Acer palmatum

This small Japanese maple was grown from a cutting and is in its early stage of development. I grafted a small branch near the ground to help thicken its nebari. A channel is cut into the trunk. The graft is held in place with a 2 mm aluminum wire....

April 14, 2021 · Philippe

Styling a small Japanese Black Pine

I started this Japanese Black Pine from a seed 8 years ago. This tree is becoming too dense and the time has come to make some corrections. First, needles on top and bottom of the branches are plucked. Needles on the sacrifice branches are also removed to let air and light reach the inside of the tree. Branches are wired downwards. One scion is grafted onto the lower section of the trunk to thicken the base....

March 28, 2021 · Philippe

Approach grafting on a small Hawthorn

This small shohin hawthorn is lacking a few branches along the trunk. A branch was let to grow long enough to be grafted. This graft will have three purposes: fill a void, create a back branch and heal wounds on the trunk. Wounds that have to heal on the trunk: A channel is grooved to receive the graft: We check the fit and adjust as needed: Two holes are drilled into the trunk and the graft is held in place with a staple made of 2 mm aluminum wire....

March 27, 2021 · Philippe

Wiring a small Hawthorn

This hawthorn was repotted and defoliated last year. It is ramifying but still remains early in its development. Only a few branches are cut and repositioned using wire. The hook technique A wire can be anchored using a hook instead of wiring to anoher branch. 3 branches junction A branch is removed to eliminate a three-branch junction. Result Close-up of the first plateau: Top-view of the first plateau: Close-up of the second plateau:...

March 27, 2021 · Philippe