Small Japanese Maple from cutting

This small Japanese Maple was started from a cutting. At some point I will air-layer the top half to make two smaller trees. ...

April 27, 2024 · Philippe

Spring adjustment on a mature Japanese Maple

This old Japanese maple only requires minor adjustments. I removed any wire left from last year and I added some more in areas where the branch positioning needs corrections. ...

April 27, 2024 · Philippe

Japanese Red Pine seedling

This is my only Japanese Red Pine seedling. I thinned the outer growth so that the inner buds receive ample light and air. ...

April 27, 2024 · Philippe

Chaenomeles japonica flowers

Buds appear in tight clusters before they start to grow and look like boxing gloves. Only then begins the floral show. A constellation of starry flowers. ...

May 13, 2022 · Philippe

Acer shirasawanum flowers

Even though it resembles Acer palmatum with its palmate leaves, Acer shirasawanum is a distinct species that can be identified by its erect flowers. ...

May 10, 2022 · Philippe