Wooden box

I frequently build wooden boxes for my collected trees. I upcycle reclaimed wood and the design is always the same. The dimensions are calculated based on the roots volume. ...

October 16, 2022 · Philippe

First repot for a collected Eastern Hemlock

This Eastern Hemlock was collected in a forest and planted in a wooden box filled with perlite, without disturbing the roots. After three years the perlite has become a compact soil with poor drainage. It was time to reduce the rootball and transition into a training pot that is easier to handle. ...

May 10, 2022 · Philippe

Pruning and wiring of a collected Larch

This old Larch was collected in a distant land and has know cold winters. I am his protector since 2015. This tree was initially parallel to the ground and it took two repottings to straighten the trunk and sever the roots that emerged halfway along the trunk. I now focus on the ramification and developing the apex. The uppermost branches will be changed into jin when the desired shape and development is achieved. ...

April 22, 2022 · Philippe

Repotting a collected Hawthorn

This massive Hawthorn was collected 5 years ago and after two root works the nebari is taking shape. ...

March 12, 2022 · Philippe

Red maple repot

This Red Maple (Acer rubrum) was collected at the edge of a field in spring 2019. Two years later the pot is filled with roots and I can start developping the nebari. Red maple in spring 2021 Compact root ball after 2 years I removed any root growing towards the center, the bottom or crossing other roots. A large section is cut under the trunk to flatten the root mass and promote a radial distribution....

April 24, 2021 · Philippe

Repotting a Buckthorn bunjin

This Buckthorn was cultivated 4 years in wooden boxes since its collection. The time has come to reduce the root mass to its final size. This a major step towards domesticating this tree normally considered an invading species in Eastern-Canada. I will further incline the trunk towards the left and front. Before reduction: After reduction: Close-up of the nebari: New planting angle: Sphagnum moss is used as top dressing:...

March 26, 2021 · Philippe

Styling a Buckthorn bunjin

This Buckthorn will make a big bunjin with over 1 meter tall. Only a few branches will be kept in the end to create a minimalistic canopy. From now on I will barely use wire and use directional pruning to exacerbate the geometric growth pattern of this species. Before wiring. After wiring. A stub near the apex is removed. The wood from the Buckthorn is surprisingly hard and shows an incendiary color....

March 25, 2021 · Philippe