Small Japanese Maple from cutting

This small Japanese Maple was started from a cutting. At some point I will air-layer the top half to make two smaller trees. ...

April 27, 2024 · Philippe

Spring adjustment on a mature Japanese Maple

This old Japanese maple only requires minor adjustments. I removed any wire left from last year and I added some more in areas where the branch positioning needs corrections. ...

April 27, 2024 · Philippe

Japanese Red Pine seedling

This is my only Japanese Red Pine seedling. I thinned the outer growth so that the inner buds receive ample light and air. ...

April 27, 2024 · Philippe

Larches in spring

Here are some pictures of my American Larches this spring. They are the most beautiful at this time of the year when buds are opening. ...

April 24, 2024 · Philippe

Heated winter shelter

I built my first heated shelter for my most cold sensitive bonsais. I used treated wood, concrete blocks, rigid insulation boards and an STC-1000 thermostat. Two light bulbs and two seedling heating mats serve as the heat source. The outer dimensions are 7’ large by 8’ deep and 5’ high. ...

January 24, 2024 · Philippe

Thuya thinning

Thinning a Thuya occidentalis. The inner branches were shaded by the outer foliage. ...

June 28, 2023 · Philippe

Defoliating Trident Maples

Defoliating two Trident Maples, a shohin and a forest. ...

June 28, 2023 · Philippe

Defoliating three Japanese Maples

Partial defoliation of three Japanese Maples. A small, a medium and a large one. I cut to one or two nodes, keep one leaf per pair and reduce the size of larger leaves. ...

June 19, 2023 · Philippe

A small Red Maple

This small Red Maple was trained from a small seedling collected in the forest. It will become a beautiful little bunjin. ...

June 1, 2023 · Philippe

Crabapple root cuttings

The last time I repotted my Crabapple, I kept two roots to try root cuttings. I planted them directly in a mix of Akadama and Chabasai. ...

June 1, 2023 · Philippe