Ginkgo biloba kabudachi

Defoliating and wiring young Ginkgo biloba group planting. ...

December 13, 2021 · Philippe

Styling a Laceleaf Japanese Maple 'Tamukeyama'

This Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Tamukeyama’ was ready for a major styling. I cut back the branches to develop a more compact silhouette and improve ramification closer to the trunk. The wheeping branches were wired upwards. New branches will be grafted in spring. ...

November 21, 2021 · Philippe

American Beech progression

This small American Beech or Fagus grandifolia originates from a sapling collected in forest in spring 2019. Its slender shape is slowly appearing. Deciduous are built over many years. ...

November 18, 2021 · Philippe

Trident Maples forest

Clean-up of a Trident Maple forest created from seedlings in spring 2020. ...

November 10, 2021 · Philippe

Kabudachi Japanese Maple

Defoliation and fall pruning of a five-trunk Japanese Maple. ...

November 9, 2021 · Philippe

Fall pruning on a Crabapple

Fall pruning on a Crabapple and removal of two sacrifice branches. ...

November 8, 2021 · Philippe

Japanese Maple 3

Defoliation and fall pruning of a Japanese Maple. ...

November 8, 2021 · Philippe

Japanese Maple 2

Fall pruning of a small japanese maple. ...

November 8, 2021 · Philippe

Japanese Maple 1

Fall pruning of a small japanese maple. ...

November 8, 2021 · Philippe

Red October

“À l’automne, les hydrates de carbone dont le tissu chlorophyllien est gorgé, se transforment en anthocyane et colorent brillamment les feuilles de rouge pourpré. Nos bois deviennent alors incomparablement beaux. Les pentes sourceuses des Laurentides et les forêts de la plaine alluviale forment des horizons sanglants où sur le vert profond des résineux s’ajoutent, chevauchent et se fondent les gammes infinies des teintes que le rouge a sur sa palette.” - Frère Marie-Victorin (1885-1944) Flore laurentienne, p. 396, 397. ...

October 26, 2021 · Philippe