Defoliating Trident Maples

Defoliating two Trident Maples, a shohin and a forest. ...

June 28, 2023 · Philippe

Trident Maple forest

This young Trident Maple forest was created in spring 2020 from 2 years-old seedlings (link to the article from 2020). The trees are now 5 years old from seeds. ...

March 4, 2023 · Philippe

Trident Maple styling

Wiring and styling a medium Trident Maple. The moss was grown during the last growing season only. ...

March 3, 2023 · Philippe

2022 SBPM Bonsai exposition

My contribution to the 2022 edition of the SBPM - Société de Bonsaï et de Penjing de Montréal. ...

June 21, 2022 · Philippe

Trident Maple repotting

This small Trident maple is about 12 years old. ...

March 14, 2022 · Philippe

Trident Maples forest

Clean-up of a Trident Maple forest created from seedlings in spring 2020. ...

November 10, 2021 · Philippe

Cleaning up a young trident maples forest

After their first growing season as a forest, the trees have grown well. They must now be cut back in order to define only one clear leader per trunk. Some of the smaller trunks died and are removed. They will be replaced in the future years with cuttings taken from the taller trees. This will help increase the size diversity in the composition. Only one trunk is repositioned using a guy-wire. ...

November 29, 2020 · Philippe

Creating a trident maple forest

Seedlings selection These trident maples or Acer buergerianum were sown in spring 2018. They come from a smaller leaves variety. Seedlings preparation The roots are cleaned from the media and cut in a flat shape. Group planting Font view. Detail of the trunks disposition. Side view. ...

March 28, 2020 · Philippe